Apex Transmission Management

Apex Transmission Management is a subsidiary of Apex Clean Energy that serves to facilitate the transmission needs of various Apex projects. The company is engaged in the business of transmitting electric energy through its quest to acquire and manage transmission assets vital to the success of Apex wind energy projects, including the procurement of transmission rights from regional transmission organizations and independent system operators.

Operating throughout the country, the company seeks to acquire and manage transmission rights and assets on behalf of Apex wind projects. In doing so, it helps to ensure that Apex is able to reliably deliver clean, renewable energy to its customers, and ultimately to the American consumer.


By enabling Apex projects to secure firm transmission service, Apex Transmission Management helps bring clean energy to the electrical grid from locations that are often remote from major load centers, which can face congestion constraints or other obstacles to reliable delivery.

Local communities, small businesses, and workers all benefit from renewable power in Ohio.

Without this service, some wind farms located in the most productive (windy) areas of the country would be unable to serve consumer demand for renewable energy.


Apex Transmission Management satisfies the transmission needs of those wind farms and in doing so, it plays a pivotal role in Apex’s mission to accelerate the shift to clean energy.